I Know What Time It Is...

This post may be all over the place tonight...pull up a chair and some chocolate...we may need it! Toward the end of my pregnancy with Nathan, I was really uncomfortable and I remember thinking the day would never get here for me to have him...I was so ready! I was so ready to have him until right before I had him! Yes, you read that correctly! I was ready to have him until right before I had him! I began to wonder if I was ready to be a mama. How would I know what he needed? What if we weren't good at being parents? I started thinking about all of the things in this great big world that he would have to face and it scared me. It scared me to think we were going to be responsible for his life...all of it. We were in our mid-twenties with careers and we were afraid of what we didn't know. Then I started thinking how "safe" he was inside of me and I wanted time to slow down! I wanted him to stay safe for as long as I could ...