About College...and Stuff

The day after Christmas I was strolling through the mall, having a frappuccino and a good ole' time listening to mall music...I turned the corner and and there IT was staring at me with no apologies...sitting there taunting me, flaunting the inevitable right before my eyes, streamers and all...shiny, Happy New Year hats with "2018" floating atop of them like they were going to party like it was 1999... It was then it hit me...my baby boy was going to be a graduate of the class of 2018...I have known this since he was born...I have had many years to prepare for this...but in this very moment, I felt not prepared at all...I was not ready! I am a visual person so for me, seeing the numbers on the party hats and headbands just gutted me for a minute... Reality...the year was not "on the way..." IT was here! And here I am in the middle of IT... IT is time! IT is here! IT is happening! I am doing my best to embrace IT and evolve into ...