A Message from a Baseball Mama's Heart...

I have a few words to share...this post is from my heart...and perhaps geared to the younger ones starting the travel ball circuit...and also to the parents of the kids who are on the ball circuit now... Nathan has been playing ball since he was four years old. He was five when he knew his dream was to play college baseball. Throughout the years of little league, travel ball, middle school ball and high school ball, we have seen a lot! We have experienced a lot! And if we could go back (to the younger years) and do things a little differently, I think we would. We have lived and we have learned. But along the journey, we have had some really good times and some really bad times...good coaches, bad coaches...good parents, parents that stab you in the back. Yep, all of the above, if I am being honest. And I have no reason for not being honest. This post is to perhaps share our learned experiences to help those coming up... Through the good and the bad, one thing we NEVE...