Bye Mom, I Love You...

"Bye Mom!  I love you!" 

Words that echoed through the dark hallway down to my my room at 4:30 this morning right before the door closed...

And just like that, he was on his way...driving his own truck to the gym.

This wasn't the first time I heard those words before dawn or the first time he drove himself there...but this particular day, when the echo stopped, I found myself realizing that one day, in the near future, I wouldn't be hearing those words as frequently coming and going out of our house.  I sighed.

Yep, this growing up is hard stuff.

I wanted to jump up and see if he got everything he needed to go to school after workouts...the mom in me ~last week~ would have...but I am learning to let go...little pieces at a time.  Okay, confession...I am forcing myself to let go!  All the while, learning, I suppose. I guess the reality is that when you do something for seventeen years it is pretty hard to not do it anymore...


Change is hard.  But change is so needed and it is all facets of life.  

We certainly are not meant to stay in one season all of our lives...seasons pass, they come and go...and I am doing my best to adjust the sails as the wind the season is changing. 
(preaching to the choir on that one!)

Thus says the "sensible mama" in me...

Yeah, blah, blah, blah...I know!

But the "sappy mama"in me laid in bed thinking about how much I missed our rides to the gym, fields and school...sigh.  The struggle is real.  

Then came the "praying mama!"  She kicked in until Nathan text me and told me he arrived at the gym safely.  

For those of you with toddlers or little ones, don't laugh!  And for you veteran mamas that have already kissed a child or two goodbye for college, you may chuckle a may even reminisce about your experience of letting go...I am always open to pieces of advice...and chocolate!  

I've polled many mamas lately...
The majority of mamas of girls say it is easier to let them go than the mamas of boys...hmmmm? (Raising both of my hands in the air)  This has been a notable difference...some mamas have said that it is simply because the girls are ready and seem to be more responsible...

That is where "the new mama" comes in...I am prying my fingers off of him so I don't hold him back from being ready for what is ahead...

Oh boy, this new mama, she is hard to handle!  But we are going to make it!

About 5:00 this morning, my phone was Nathan,...he was at  the gym...a sigh of relief accompanied me as I closed my eyes and wondered how long this would long will he text me to let me know he has arrived somewhere safely?  

I don't know the answer right now...I know that will end as well...but not today.

I will take "today" all day long...
I will hold "today" captive within the walls of my heart...
I will cherish "today" until I can't remember it anymore...

And when I can't remember "today" anymore, I'm pretty sure I am going to have a picture of "it" somewhere...and that makes this mama smile!  

Signing off,

Sappy Senior Mama


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