One Week Down...One Week Closer

The first week of school is officially over...

I am not sure how I feel about that just yet... week down.

One week closer to graduation for Nathan...

One week closer to middle school for Will...

Making the most of the time we have together is really important to us. It has always been a priority, but now it just feels different...kind of like running around with a bottle trying to catch it and capture every second...yes, that is what I feel like I am doing!  I don't want my bottle to be empty at the end of the day!  (crazy analogy, perhaps, but one that I see myself doing!)  Don't laugh, pick a bottle up and join me!  

Football season is underway; that means practice for both boys, homework, know, all of the busy-ness that comes along with sports and academics and the schedule that it brings! This schedule is one we are accustomed to and have been since our pee-wee football days with Nathan and then welcomed with open arms when Will started playing too.  When Nathan was in 6th grade, Will joined the league and we haven't looked back since!  SO much fun!  When the reality set in that this will be the last season of our double trouble on the football fields, I got sad!  Will has been the high school ball boy since Nathan's freshman year and this is it for that too!  The last hoo-rah!  
When that is over, I'm going to cry!  Just tellin' y'all the truth!

Remember, I already talked about change and the necessity of it, growing pains and all that stuff...I know all of that...I know.  I get it and believe it or not, I accept it...and will embrace it along the way...but I will also cry over chocolate over it...and will be sharing all about the journey here...some mamas may need to know they are not alone!  My fellow senior mama friends know they can call me for a shoulder to cry on and that I am always good for a piece of chocolate in their time of distress!  That's how we roll...together on this journey!

To all of my mama friends sending your kids off to college this weekend...sending you hugs!  I got all the feels for you in my mama heart!  

The fact is that this household is busy in every single season with football, baseball, school and lots of in between things...(too many to name) ~ but these things, all temporary seasons, must come to an end and that, I see visually happening before my very eyes.  I feel it in my mama heart.  I have always known that, but I think to see it on the "calendar of events" brings it to a much deeper place. 

So, this year, as our Friday Night Lights and Saturday mornings of family and football begin, I can't promise you that I won't be running around with a bottle trying to catch every second that I can!  I have many treasures to capture this year and I don't plan to miss a single one...

Signing off,

Sappy Senior Mama


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