The Beginning - Sappy Senior Mama Post

Here I am, tears rolling down my face, sitting behind a computer trying to pull my son's senior football ad together...I had to push it aside and come mama and my writer's heart is about to explode, so as a new chapter is starting in our lives, I am starting a place to talk about it... 

Welcome to "SON DAYS!"

Let me take a minute and introduce myself and my journey to the hot messy-ness that I am all about right now...

My name is Lori.  I am 43 years old.  I am a wife to my sugar pie, Ronnie.  I am a mother to three beautiful boys.  I love shoes.  I love chocolate.  I love lip gloss and mascara!  And sparkles!  Those of you that know me, y'all knew I wasn't going to forget that, right?

Now for the introduction of my three three sons that make everyday a "SON DAY" for me!

Nathan, aka Moose...a senior in high school.
Will, aka Stitch...a fifth grader in elementary school.
Matthew, Lil'  Bucket...a star student in heaven.

Over the summer, I came down with what I call "Sappy Senior Mama-itis!"  I cry, often.  I eat chocolate, often.  I am that mama that says "This is the last first day of ....whatever!"  Yes, some of you may hate me, but that's okay, change the channel!  Some of you may relate to me...and if you do, grab a chair, some chocolate and some Kleenex...sit with me a while...let's talk!

Yesterday, after an emotional day of senior mama-itis, I went outside for a bit...the weather was changing, rapidly.  The air became cooler, the wind, stronger, the sky darker...a storm was rolling in. I could feel it.  I could smell it.  I could almost taste the precipitation as it got closer.  

I stood there, unafraid of the rain, but in the distance, I could hear the the thunder and began to see the lightning across the skies and my heart began to feel afraid.  Afraid of the unknown, I stood there...I just took that moment in...and I related it to very much what I feel right now...change on the horizon.  A change in the atmosphere, a change in my mama heart. 

These changes, I self diagnose as a serious case of growing pains.  And like all pain, we must feel the pain to began to heal and to grow...But growth doesn't happen without the rain, you know?  Now is the time for growth...

So, I stood in the rain because I wanted to feel the rain...the rain that would make things grow and the rain that would confuse and camouflage the tears rolling down my cheeks...I stood there taking the moment in, understanding the change that was coming...understanding the change that was here...

I looked around...I studied the sky...I stood in silence...I took a breath and in that moment surrendered to the wave of emotions that I was feeling and experiencing...with my fingers grasping on to yesterday and the little boy that I carried upon my hip...I nodded at the heavens above and wiped my tears...I walked inside and knew that this was the beginning of the end of a chapter and ready or not, the page has turned...

Signing off, 

Sappy Senior Mama

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
There is a time and a season for everything under the heavens; 
a time to be born and a time to die, 
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
 a time to kill and a time to heal, 
a time to tear down and a time to build, 
a time to weep and a time to laugh, 
a time to mourn and a time to dance...

©2017 All Rights Reserved MyThreeSondays
Author ~  Lori C. Weatherly


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