Kindergarten and Becoming "Broker"

Today I am taking it all the way back to kindergarten! Yes, kindergarten, for kicks and giggles, and perhaps a few tears..oh, who am I kidding? Where's my Kleenex and chocolate? Here we go...August of 2005...Nathan began kindergarten. This was Nathan's first year of school and his first year of school came less than two months after his brother passed about hard to let him go!!! After losing Matthew, it was, for a lack of adequate words, devastatingly difficult to let go of Nathan immediately after...It was the opposite of natural because after loss, you want to hold everything else that is close to you as tight as you can. I felt like I had a big monster pulling my child away. I was so sick still and I knew I had to get better for him. The emotional battle coupled with the physical battle was heavy...on the days I didn't think I could persevere through, there stood this beautiful brown eyed boy to help me. He was my insp...