Kindergarten and Becoming "Broker"
Today I am taking it all the way back to kindergarten! Yes, kindergarten, for kicks and giggles, and perhaps a few tears..oh, who am I kidding? Where's my Kleenex and chocolate?
Here we go...August of 2005...Nathan began kindergarten. This was Nathan's first year of school and his first year of school came less than two months after his brother passed about hard to let him go!!! After losing Matthew, it was, for a lack of adequate words, devastatingly difficult to let go of Nathan immediately after...It was the opposite of natural because after loss, you want to hold everything else that is close to you as tight as you can. I felt like I had a big monster pulling my child away. I was so sick still and I knew I had to get better for him. The emotional battle coupled with the physical battle was heavy...on the days I didn't think I could persevere through, there stood this beautiful brown eyed boy to help me. He was my inspiration and my greatest source of comfort and encouragement.
It was time for him to go to was time for him to be a "big boy." But it was so hard for me to trust people with all that we had left, Nathan! Truth. The struggle was real on so many levels, I cannot even describe it.
He had the most amazing kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Perniciaro. She was a lifesaver for this mama and I knew she was going to take care of Nathan for me. And that she did...she took such incredible care of Nathan and to this day, Nathan loves her dearly. She helped him through the toughest time of his life...for that, we are eternally grateful!
You know, teachers have that power! Kids go through stuff...and teachers are there daily to care for them, that is a pretty tall order and not an easy task...but teachers have the ability to change lives...teachers, like Mrs. Perniciaro, invest things that could never be "bought" or "purchased" in the lives of our kids. Things that can never be forgotten, but are woven into what shapes the kid...I see that in Nathan. I can see attributes that his teachers through the years have woven into him and it is beautiful! A special thank you to Mrs. Perniciaro for her love, compassion and care for Nathan! She was truly a gift to our family! And a huge thank you to all of the teachers that are impacting the lives of our littles every day! You are awesome!
Now, back to the story...
Picture it...silent auction night at the elementary school...y'all already know I wanted to win, right?
Each class made a project and of course, that made the stakes even higher! I had to have anything that had Nathan's name and his fingerprint on it! I was facing 20 or so parents in the battle of the bucket! I was determined to win...I didn't care what it cost, I wanted that water bucket!
With each parent that quit bidding, I was one step closer to the water bucket! I was also "broker" with each parent that quit bidding! (I know that is not a word to use here, but "broker" suits this conversation! After all, I am talking about the battle of a bucket for a kindergarten class and I was a crazy woman! Yes, "broker"is an appropriate word here!)
Long story short, I can't remember who was left in my bidding battle, but people, I walked away with the bucket for just a mere $235.00! (Gasp!)
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Isn't that the cutest little blue bug you have ever seen? |
There was our grocery budget, but hey, I got Nathan's little bug fingerprint on a water bucket and it was worth every single penny!
When we got home, I was so excited to place this coveted treasure in a most special place...and just before I placed it in there, I turned it upside down to see a price tag that said $8.99! Y'all, I laughed!
I laughed and laughed as I placed my $235.00 water bucket up that was sold for $8.99 at the store!
See what kids will do for you? Kids have a way of making things "priceless" and that is exactly what this water bucket was to me! Priceless!
That water bucket has been on display in my living room entertainment center since the day we brought it home...and when first grade happened...I can say with a smile (and another year of being "broker") that I was able to add a cookie jar to my collection! Big mama smile! That was worth every penny too...and there were lots of pennies there!
Second grade, I lost. Sad face! I was trying to bid over the phone and I lost! Ronnie said "Nathan's fingerprint is free, let's let him do one and you can have it for second grade." That is so not the same thing! (Wink, Wink!)
Today, I pulled the water bucket and the cookie jar out to take pictures of them to share with y'all and I smiled a little...I cried a little...I laughed a lot!
Priceless memories!
I close today in the second month of Nathan's senior year and y'all better believe I am on the hunt for an $8.99 water bucket...
Signing Off,
Sappy Senior Mama
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